New to Instagram? Here’s How to Establish Yourself

So, you’ve finally decided to dive into the world of Instagram. It’s a fantastic platform to connect with people, build your brand, and share your passions. But with so many users already out there, how do you make your account stand out? Here are some tips to help you establish yourself on Instagram.

1. Define Your Niche (But not too much)

  • What’s your passion? 

More than likely there are hundreds if not thousands of people that do what you do. Think about what you do that separates you from everyone else and makes you unique. Maybe you’re starting a copywriting business. Do you have a background in journalism, are you an English major, or do you have 10 years of corporate experience copywriting and just decided to start your own side hustle?

The odds are that there’s something unique about your approach to this business. Whether it’s experience, special skills, or even your personality- let that shine through your brand. 

  • Who is your target audience? Knowing who you’re trying to reach will help you tailor your content and engagement strategies. If you’re unsure, take one offer you have and dive deep into who that offer would be perfect for. For example- a lifestyle photographer might want to cater to everyone. But with the fall season coming up she’s going to host a fall mini photo session on her family’s farm. Who is this offer appealing to? Moms! She can position herself as the creator of time capsules, and creating moments in time you can remember forever. In a season where the days fly by, she can create memories that will last a lifetime!

See what we did there?

2. Create a Compelling Bio

  • Keep it concise and engaging. Tell people who you are, what you do, and who you serve in a mere 150 characters. 🙃 Don’t fret! You may not get exactly what you wanted right off the bat. If you see traffic go down, think about switching up your bio! 
  • Use relevant keywords. This will help people find you when they search for specific topics. Be sure to use keywords in the header of your social media profile. These headers are searchable!

Sarah | Northeast Ohio Realtor   Amanda | Copywriter 

  • Include a call to action. Encourage people to follow you, visit your website, or contact you with the appropriate links available for them to click! 

3. Curate High-Quality Content

  • Visual appeal is key. Use high-quality images and videos that are visually appealing and relevant to your niche. A mix of reels, carousels, and static posts are the recipe for an engaging audience- each type of post serves a valuable purpose! 
  • Consistency is crucial. Post regularly to keep your audience engaged. Aim to share content at an optimal time for your audience (you can see this in your insights) and stay consistent with which days you posts weekly. Give yourself grace if the schedule gets jumbled!
  • Use relevant hashtags. This will help your content reach a wider audience. I wrote a blog ALL about this- click here to read more. 

4. Engage with Your Audience

  • Respond to comments and messages. Show your audience that you value their input.
  • Like and comment on other people’s posts. This will help you build relationships and increase your visibility.
  • Use Instagram Stories. Stories are a great way to share behind-the-scenes content and connect with your audience on a more personal level. If you’re stuck with what to post in stories- grab my download of 50 Instagram Story Ideas here. 
  • If you’re still feeling stuck with engagement- grab my FREE Engagement Checklist here. 

5. Collaborate with Others

  • Partner with other accounts in your niche. This can help you reach a new audience and grow your following. Even sharing other accounts’ content to your stories, and participating in their events will increase your visibility! 

6. Use Instagram Analytics

  • Track your performance. Use Instagram’s built-in analytics to see what content is performing well and what isn’t. But don’t get too stuck in the weeds of insights. There are so many variables to insights that you can’t hold on to them to tightly. You just want to make sure that your current strategy is working. 
  • Adjust your strategy accordingly. Based on your analytics, make changes to your content and engagement strategy. Don’t be afraid to change until you feel comfortable and see the desired results. But also- give it time! Rome wasn’t built in a day! 

Remember, building a successful Instagram presence takes time and effort. Be patient, consistent, and have fun! By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to establishing yourself on Instagram.

Do you have any other questions about building an Instagram presence?

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