The Family-First Social Media Strategy: Tips for Busy Entrepreneurs Who Don’t Want to Miss Out

As an entrepreneur, your business is undoubtedly important to you. But let’s face it, family is more valuable. Balancing the demands of running a business with the needs of your loved ones can feel like a constant juggling act. Especially when it comes to social media, which can be a time-consuming but essential part of your marketing strategy.

This blog post will explore a family-first social media strategy that allows you to maintain a strong online presence without sacrificing quality time with your family.

The Importance of Clear Planning and Setting Realistic Goals

The key to a successful and manageable social media strategy is planning. Begin by setting clear goals for your social media efforts. What do you hope to achieve? Increased website traffic? More leads? A stronger brand reputation? Once you have your goals in place, create a content calendar that outlines what you’ll be posting and when.

Utilizing Scheduling Tools to Plan and Automate Social Media Posts

Scheduling tools are a game-changer for busy entrepreneurs. These tools allow you to schedule your social media posts in advance, saving you time and ensuring consistency. My favorite choice for scheduling content is PLANN. Not only does it auto-crop photos for the platform ratio (perfect for photographers), but you can upload a media library, plan out a posting strategy, and more! You get a discount when you use this link! 

Repurposing Content Across Different Platforms to Save Time

Instead of creating entirely new content for each platform, repurpose your existing content. For example, a blog post can be turned into a series of Instagram carousel posts or even an email! 

Tips for Batching Content Creation During Dedicated “Work Hours”

Set aside specific “work hours” each day or week for content creation. During these times, focus solely on creating and scheduling content. This batching approach can help you be more productive and avoid feeling overwhelmed. If you’re wanting an easy way to get your ideas down on paper, and schedule them with ease, grab my DIY Content Calendar Template here! 

A family-first social media strategy doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice your online presence. By planning, automating, repurposing, and engaging strategically, you can maintain a strong social media presence while still enjoying quality time with your family.

Want to simplify your social media planning? Download our free social media content calendar template to help you stay organized and on track.

Reading to generate momentum in your business with intentional engagement? Grab my free checklist below!

By implementing these tips, you can strike the perfect balance between business success and family life.

Social Media Strategy & Planning

© 2022 Payton B Virtual Solutions | | photography by katie Longdon Creative