15 Questions to Ask to Boost Social Media Engagement

How can you boost your social media engagement?

The hardest part about social media content is figuring out what to post that will be engaging to your audience. You want something captivating to your followers, that will make them want to comment, or share the post to their stories. 

Lucky for you, I have 15 ready-for-you captions to help boost your social media engagement. 

  1. (insert spouse/SO) and I are getting out of the house Friday night and need some ideas! What’s your go to date night activity?
  1. SOS! I’m running out of ideas for dinner– post your favorite recipes below!
  1. If you struggle with self care, raise your hand. When was the last chance you stopped and made time for just you? What does self care look like in your life?
  1. Coffee lover right here!!! But my usual cup of joe is getting boring, how do you take your coffee?
  1. Weekend vibes….. {post fun weekend pic on the lake, outdoors etc} I try not to work on the weekends (hello boundaries!) and take time for some R&R. What are you doing this weekend?

If this list intrigues you click the link below to download the full list of 15 engaging captions!


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