Content Mapping in 5 Easy Steps

Planning for your month ahead can be CrAzY!

Not only are you trying to survive the current month you are in, but also prepping for the days to come! If planning content for future posts is stressful for you- this blogpost is perfect for you!

Included in today’s post will be

– 5 easy steps for content mapping,

-content strategies to get you brainstorming posts for your socials

and drum roll please 🥁…..a FREE 30 day content calendar! 

My CC is created to be easily adapted for any business owner- and you can keep reusing it! I can’t wait for you to see it!

First things first, let’s talk content strategies?

What are they? Categories your content can fall into, to help you lay a map for what you want your content grid to look like. 

Check out these 6 content strategies

You can lay your strategies out in any pattern you want- it could even include new products, or services you’re offering! The sky’s the limit- the strategies just help things stay organized and provide structure. 

As promised: Content Mapping in 5 Easy Steps

  1. Define your content strategies
  2. Decide how frequently you’d like to post content- just keep it consistent!
  3. Replace your content strategies with specific topics for each day
  4. Complete SEO research for heavy hitting topics (ie- not for testimonies, behind the scenes. Research in this case is for educational posts that can be repurposed into reels or blogs)
  5. Save this outline in whatever format works for you. My CC is in a PDF file I created using a blank calendar. But the monthly CC I create for myself is in a Google Sheet where I can look back to previous months, and see my content strategies easily.

There you have it! Content Mapping in 5 Easy steps! This will lighten your workload exponentially!

We aren’t done just yet…forgetting something? ⬇️ 

Onto the content calendar- I have 30 days of content ideas for you to create posts around! I created an outline for you to fill in plus bonus ideas! 

Download the content calendar here

Do you have questions or want to know more about content mapping, or content strategies? Click here to DM me on IG.

Save this blog to Pinterest below!

How Tos

© 2022 Payton B Virtual Solutions | | photography by katie Longdon Creative