Instagram Engagement HACK

Do you want to make the most out of your Instagram Account? You put so much work into growing your account! What if I told you there was a HACK to make IG that much better?!?!

In IG, you can saved posts to your account. We all know this.

Drum roll for the hack………

I save posts (for the purpose of the account usually) into Type A organized folders! This comes in handy in several ways that I’ll explain in just a bit! So what are these folders you may ask?

My folders:

  • Start convo- meaning I have yet to send a message introducing myself and want to reach out and begin chatting
  • Find Followers- larger accounts that my ideal client would be in -> search followers list and find Ideal client (then add to respective folder)
  • Continuing Education- master classes, workshops etc that I want to save and look into
  • Ideas- fellow entrepreneurs that have aspects of what I want my grid to show, post ideas to get creative juices flowing, etc
  • Share to stories- accounts that provide value that I will share to my IG stories- mentioning them. You do this in hopes that they share your story (IG) and get more eyes on your IG page. (ie motivational quotes, business coaches, programs you use (Asana, Canva, Later, InDesign etc)
  • Keep engaging-  ideal client accounts that I’ve connected with (maybe they weren’t ready to hire a VA, just lightly chatting etc) that I want to keep in contact with, engaging in their posts and stories to let them know I am there.

This organization hack is HUGE for IG engagement! Whether you outsource your engagement hours or do it yourself- this saves you time, headaches, and makes the valuable hours you spend on engagement purposeful and productive. 

The bonus is that if/when you decide to outsource engagement, everything is outlined and ready! The only next step there would be to have an SOP laid out listing what your ideal client looks like, what type of accounts to follow, and hashtags to research.

Here’s a Visual of How I Go About My IG Hack

1. Click the “SAVE” ribbon at the bottom right of the post
The choose which folder to save to, or create a new one

Interested in trying this hack? Let me know how it goes!!!

Ready to hire a VA or want to chat more? Click here

Save to your Pinterest Board Here!


© 2022 Payton B Virtual Solutions | website by kavi design studio | photography by katie Longdon Creative